Why You Should Buy Artificial Turf in Sydney

artificial turf

Everyone loves the feeling of having a pristine front lawn and many homeowners take great pride in the state of their landscaping. However, maintaining a natural lawn is a big job that has a significant drain on your time, money and resources.

This is why more and more homeowners are opting instead for artificial turf in Sydney. There a huge list of reasons that going for a fake lawn is far superior to staying with the natural option.

Let’s take a closer look at why you should invest in artificial turf in Sydney.


Extremely low maintenance

The greatest benefit of using artificial turf in Sydney is that it requires little-to-no upkeep whatsoever. This is because, since the blades are fake, they don’t need watering or access to nutrients in order to stay looking their best all-year-round.

Think about all the times you groaned at the prospect of having to mow the lawn on a stinking hot weekend when you’d rather be indoors cooling off. Most people will happily admit they dislike mowing the lawn and this makes a faux alternative very attractive to them.

Indeed, the only kind of upkeep that’s needed by artificial turf in Sydney is a quick hose and dust off now and then. This is to clear the debris that will have built up naturally in and around the blades, so you need to wash them out periodically in order to maintain the beauty of your lawn.

Other than some periodic dusting off, there’s almost no maintenance required with fake grass. This can be particularly beneficial for older homeowners who may not have the same energy to perform yard-work every weekend.



Looks great in any climate

Another awesome thing about using artificial turf in Sydney is that it maintains its beauty all-year-round no matter what the weather conditions are. Rain, hail or shine your fake grass maintains its bounce and softness for your whole family to enjoy whenever they want to.

This is great if you live in an especially dry area that doesn’t get a lot of rainfall as natural grass would just end up dehydrated and turn discoloured. Without proper moisture, most grass looks horrible and would be pretty embarrassing to have on your property.

When you go with the fake alternative, you no longer need to worry about how the climate is going to affect the look of your lawn. You can confidently use your lawn every day of the year without regrets.


More environmentally friendly

One thing people don’t seem to realise about using artificial turf in Sydney is that it’s actually much more environmentally sustainable than maintaining a real lawn. This is because with a fake lawn you no longer need to tap into resources like petrol or electricity in order to run a lawnmower and other landscaping equipment.

This means that by switching to fake grass you effectively eliminate a big chunk of your home’s energy dependence and reduce the carbon footprint of your family. This means that you won’t have to feel as guilty about the drain your modern lifestyle has on the planet’s natural ecosystem.


Adds to the value of your property

Lastly, the combination of all the above benefits means that using artificial turf in Sydney will add significantly to the resale value of your home. This is because new homebuyers are impressed with progressive solutions that reduce the cost of maintaining the home without jeopardizing on its aesthetic appeal.

It is also very popular with young families you have children and pets who will play on the grass. Fake grass is much safer to play on than real grass because it maintains the same uniform height and volume rather than being patchy and uneven.