Things That Occupational Therapy In Sydney Can Help With


Some children and adults have difficulties with their mental, physical and social development that can make life more challenging. OT for children in Sydney can help to address some of the challenges that patients face and help to develop a range of skills.

Seeing a regular professional regularly can have a significant positive impact on daily outcomes and improves the quality of life for patient. For many patients it is a very important step in learning to navigate daily tasks and can help them to be more independent.

If you want to learn more about what occupational therapy for children in Sydney can help with then read on below.

Fine motor skills

Occupational therapy (OT) in Sydney can help with the development of fine motor skills and manipulation of the hand muscles. Fine motor skills are important in tasks such as handwriting, play, feeding and dressing oneself.

Gross motor skills

OT can also be useful for the development of gross motor skills which is important for everyday tasks and body movements such as sitting, walking, jumping and running. There are a lot of children that experience musculoskeletal issues, developmental delays or syndromes that impact on gross motor skills.

Tool use

OT Sydney can help with developing the ability to use tools such as forks and pencils, but can also help with finding adjustments if it is not possible to use the tool in the normal way.


Handwriting requires a significant amount of fine motor skills and manual dexterity, OT can be used to address common issues with handwriting, such as helping patients with letter formation or writing fatigue.

Table top and school readiness

Occupational therapy in Sydney can help with a number of skills that are required in the classroom or in class, such as following tasks, behavior and craft skills.

Self-care skills

OT can help with developing a number of important skills for day-to-day life, such as going to the toilet, tying shoelaces or fastening buttons.

Play skills

Occupational therapy in Sydney can be very useful for developing the imaginative, social and communication skills required for effective play.

Visual perception

Visual perception skills that can help with a number of other important tasks such as reading and comprehension can also be addressed by OT.

Sensory processing

OT can help with developing responses to sensory stimuli, as some patients might be overly or under affected by sensory stimuli such as loud noises or strong smells.

Conditions occupational therapy in Sydney can help with;

There are many conditions that occupation therapy in Sydney can help with but here are a few of the main conditions that it might be used to address.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a spectrum disorder that involves challenges in social, communication and behavioural skills. ASD patients can benefit greatly from OT.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) can affect a person’s ability to focus and pay attention and to moderate their behaviour. This is another disorder that can benefit from occupational therapy in Sydney.

Fine and gross motor development

OT can very valuable for addressing developmental delays or fine motor skill issues. For children with a disability OT can help to find adjustments to make life run more smoothly.


Common musculoskeletal complaints such as back pain and gait problems can be addressed by OT.

Developmental delay

Neurological conditions and conditions such as cerebral palsy can be addressed by regular OT.

Speech difficulties

Common speech difficulties issues such as stuttering, cleft lift or childhood apraxia can be addressed by OT.


Syndromes such as down and Rett syndrome can be addressed by occupation therapy in Sydney.